Thursday, December 24, 2009

Wizzair Rules
22 декабря 2009 // Украина, Авиакомпании, WizzAir
Пассажиров отмененного рейса Wizzair Лондон - Киев выгоняли из самолета собаками и газом
'СамолетВосточноевропейская бюджетная авиакомпания Wizzair бросила множество своих пассажиров в аэропортах, отменив десятки рейсов во время накрывших континент снегопадов. Причем ряду пассажиров пришлось испытать и более острые ощущения: 18 декабря в лондонском аэропорту Luton пассажиров несостоявшегося рейса W6 902 в Киев выдворяли из самолета с помощью полиции, собак и газовых спецсредств, сообщает соб. корр.
продолжение новости
I'm lucky to work for the Airline Company different from the spoken above)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Her dog is so stylish!)

Fashion Baby

Ниже 10 фактов, которые вы должны знать об отношениях мужчины и женщины, по версии Ренаты Литвиновой
1.Давайте женщине время, чтобы побыть одной, умейте отпускать.
2. Невыносимо, когда мужчина торчит дома сутками напролет.
3. Предполагая в женщине худшее, это и приобретаете. Вывод: обожествляйте ее, говорите ей об этом и она никогда не поступит плохо.
4. Любящий никогда не прячет деньги по сусекам. А если вы что-то прикапываете втайне, вы не любите эту женщину – вы от нее отдельно.
5. Качество мужчины проявляется, когда ему сделали больно. Умейте благородно расставаться.
6. Почему вы бежите под душ с утра, но не после работы перед сном?
7. Мужчина-сплетник – уже полубаба. Интимные детали про бывших дам пусть умрут внутри вас.
8.Способность делать жесты восхищает.
9. Страсти утихают года через три. Остается щадить женщину, прощать ее, учитывать ее, великодушничать, смешить и, наконец, соединиться в одно и умереть.
10. В конце концов, не нужно ничего понимать и знать о женщине. Ее нужно просто любить.

Orange Dresses

Erin Wasson vs. Mylene Farmer. Whom d'you like more?

Today's Inspiration

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Guide to Bathroom Remodeling

By :Ken Marlborough

There is a reason why many Hollywood actors keep their awards in their bathrooms -- all their guests will visit that room at some point, so why not put the trophies were everyone will see them? But even if you haven't won any Academy Awards, your guests will be still checking out you bathroom.  A well-done bathroom remodeling can impress your guests and boost the value of your home.

Bathroom remodeling can be as simple as new paint and fixtures, or it can be a total renovation and expansion.  If you want to begin bathroom remodeling, the first thing you should do is assess your current bathroom.

Think about these questions to make sure you get the most out of your project:

How many people will be using the bathroom?

If a family shares one bathroom it may be a good idea to have a separate area for the toilet and shower so that someone can be showering while another person uses the mirror and vanity.

What is the bathroom's current condition?

Attacking grimy tile with bleach or industrial tile cleaning solution, polishing the fixtures, and adding brighter lights can put the sparkle back in your bathroom and cost lest than a renovation. But if the bathroom is out-of-date, falling apart or just boring, consider more intense changes.

How much money do you have for the renovation?

Before you begin, think of how much money you can realistically afford. No remodeling project should put you in debt. Once you have a budget, take a trip to your local hardware store to check out prices.  Comparison shop and start looking for deals before you start your renovation project. You don't need to buy everything at once; you can easily wait for store sales to buy the tools you need and store them.

How much work can you do one your own?

If this is your first remodeling project, go easy on yourself. You will need to use this room, so make sure you don't get yourself into trouble. If your bathroom needs new wiring, plumbing, or even tile, don't be afraid to ask for professional help. Just make sure you account for it in your budget.

How much space do you have?

If you can knock down walls, be sure to plan ahead. Pocket doors and a shower, not a bathtub, are easy ways of conserving space.

How long will you be using the bathroom?

If you are remodeling to help sell your house, or might be selling soon, it may be best to stick with simple, conservative changes. Make things work and look clean, but don't add your dream whirlpool tub.

These questions address some of the most basic points of bathroom remodeling. Plan ahead, budget, watch for deals, and don't be afraid to ask for help. Remember, bathroom modeling should be fun, and the results are all for your enjoyment. Make the most of it. []Bathroom Remodeling Info provides detailed information on bathroom remodeling ideas, costs, plans, and checklists. Bathroom Remodeling Info is the sister site of []Kitchen Remodeling Web.

Article Source:

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Money Saving Tips For That Next Remodeling Project

By :Tom Turner

Summer time is a great time of the year to start thinking about your winter remodeling projects. During the summer you may be busy with outdoor projects like redoing your deck or other remodeling projects that are better done in the summer and spring seasons. But if you want to save some money it is always a good way to save hard earned cash if you buy in the off-season.

Design an effective plan

Before you get started with any remodeling project it is always good to sit down and layout some basic plans. Perhaps you're working on redoing a basement or the den area.

Do you have a certain style or feel that you're going for? Once you have the basic idea of what you're going to try to accomplish you can begin looking for items to complete the project. Even though this project may be six months away - You can start accumulating various different supplies at nice discounts during closeout sales in the off-season.

Sell off extra stuff in garage sales

If you are in an area where garage sales are popular - It never hurts to look for items to buy if you can get a good enough deal at a garage sale. You may even find new items in a garage sale. If you end up not using it then you can always put those items in your own garage sale and sell them off, and perhaps make some extra money to make your project even less expensive.

Free ideas are everywhere

If you're lost for ideas for your next project - You can always go to your local home improvement stores and look through their free brochures and catalogs to get some wonderful ideas.

This is a free resource and often times you'll get some great []remodeling project ideas that you never even considered before.

Find more helpful remodeling tips by visiting where you will find helpful remodeling tips, advice and resources to include Remodeling.

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How to Get Remodeling Ideas

By :Eugene R. Makeev

Home improvement has definitely proven to be a wise way to spend your hard-earned money that not only brings back a good amount of return on investment and added home value, but also affords the family improved quality of living throughout the months and years.  Most of the time, New York homeowners are stuck at the first phase in planning and that is in gathering great remodeling ideas.  If you are one sharing this dilemma, here are top resources to get remodeling ideas that you can use whether you are in Brooklyn, Staten Island, Queens, Manhattan, or Long Island.

The Internet

Technology has brought forth amazing advancements that makes just any information be at your fingertips.  The Internet is your easiest way to get to remodeling ideas that offers the widest range of choices that you can get.  Get a treasure chest of information on budget-saving tips, remodeling ideas, home and room plans and so much more.

Though this resource can be super beneficial, this same advantage can be its disadvantage.  Only a couple of searches would end you up with more information than you can handle and this could be overwhelming.  Now you thought you have the remodeling idea of your dreams, the next website you visit, you might change your mind.   
Interior Design Magazines

These are great sources to get remodeling ideas from.  Interior design magazines feature the most current fashionable home settings with all the trendiest pieces.  And what's great about this source is that most featured remodeling photos also offer information on the brands and prices of what has been integrated into the design.

Showcase Homes

Showcase homes can be found in most every housing community.  The best thing about actually looking into model homes, showcase homes or just new homes is getting a remodeling idea on not just how things would look but how the design actually works.  Getting a good feel on the design is one great advantage over just looking at photos.  With showcase homes, you can feel the fabrics, actually see the result of certain lighting moods to specific settings, and see how comfortable the remodeling result is.

Home Improvement Stores

Home improvement stores also showcase products.  By actually seeing the wide array of variety that a specific feature, material or product comes in; you can make better comparisons.  In a home improvement store, getting ideas can not only be done through window shopping alone as getting knowledgeable answers is also possible.  Stores of such kind often have room plans available.  This could help you get a viable remodeling idea and save you from trouble, costing you less time and effort.


If you trust that your creativity could get you further when it comes to remodeling ideas, then the imagination could be your bets bet.  To be able to come up with a feasible home improvement idea that could bring in much comfort, functionality and style; find inspiration in things around you.   From these inspirations, make your creativity go to work and from there, realize remodeling ideas.

Eugene Makeev uses his skills and expertise to help home owners in Brooklyn, Long Island, Queens, Manhattan, and Staten Island avoid []remodeling pitfalls by matching their needs with prescreened New York contractors.

Visit us for more on []remodeling ideas New York.

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Exterior Home Remodeling Tips - Window & Trim Home Building Materials

By :Mel Inglima

Beautifying your home's exterior will increase its appeal instantly. There are many easy, inexpensive ways to do this. If you are selling your home, many quick and easy fixes can pay off in a faster sale.

But, if you're going to live in your home for a while, you should seek "beauty treatments" that have enduring value.

Windows: Upgrade Your Home's Exterior

The wonderful thing about windows is that they not only are functional, they can be beautiful as well. Choosing the right windows, quality windows that match the style and feel of the home, can add considerable visual appeal to your home.

Windows allow you to let in light, bring the beauty of nature into your home, make your home feel larger from the inside, and make your home a showpiece from the outside.

What to Look for When Choosing Windows

I've always advised my home building and remodeling clients to consider lifetime value when making major home improvements. This becomes particularly important when making your window choices. A long-term view will help you make a better decision about the quality of the windows.

This means to consider things like: Dual and triple pane options; Low-E glass; Heat gain and loss calculations; Break resistance; Wind impact & noise factors, etc. Do your research and get specific evidence that answers these questions before you buy.

Exterior Appeal That Stops Traffic

Once you've decided on the quality you want, the next step is to find windows that also dress up your home. Here are several tips that will help you do just that:

Consider the Depth: Windows can appear recessed, pop out, or be flush with the exterior. You may want to get the advice of an architect for this.

Color and Materials: Wood, metal, plastic ... what material best matches the quality and style of your home? Color is also important. Should your windows make a statement with color or blend in?

Window Grids/Grills: These are the dividers that create the look of smaller window panes within the windows. They can have a dramatic effect on the look of your home.

Exterior Trim Options: Shutters and other exterior window framing treatments also change the look of your home. Pay attention to size, color, and style.Windows are a big investment but pay big dividends in your home's look and feel, energy efficiency and your personal enjoyment.

Consider your goals and research carefully.

We'd like to give you a *free* email course called "Dream Home Creation" that you can find by clicking here Safely enter your first name and email address in the upper right hand corner of the website. You will also find other tips and tools, surveys, videos, and additional articles by Mel Inglima.

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Home Remodeling For Health and Safety

By :Carrie Tyler

When you are remodeling your home, your first priority should be safety and health. While you might want a larger family room, you must first make sure that your house is a safe place for your family. What upgrades you decide on should depend on the age of the home as well as personal needs.

People with older homes are more likely to need remodeling due to health and safety concerns. Asbestos and lead are a possibility in any home that was built before 1978, when they were both banned by the US government. People in other countries should check to see when these materials were used in homes. Back then, lead-based paint was used on both the outside and on inside walls. Asbestos was used in a variety of construction materials. If you feel that your home might contain either asbestos or lead based paint, get an inspection or a risk assessment and make the necessary repairs to your home.

For most people, lead and asbestos won't be a problem. But they'll still need to focus on safety first when making home repairs. There are several projects, both large and small, that can make your house a safer place to live. One of the first things you should look at is the electrical systems. These can be upgraded and may need to be grounded. Any electrical wiring which is faulty needs to be replaced. Be sure you are employing a qualified and licensed electrician to do the work with your electrical system.

Not all safety home improvements will be that involved, of course. There are several that you can do yourself without needing to hire any help, although you can choose to if you aren't handy. If you don't have a working carbon monoxide detector or smoke detector, you should get one immediately. You may also want a radon detector for your home, especially if you live in New England, the Midwest, or the Rockies.

Other improvements to your house can make it more accessible for everyone. Handrails can be installed along steps. Doors and hallways can be widened to allow easy wheelchair access. Ramps can be built to your front door. These remodeling projects will make your house more friendly to anyone with limited mobility.

When you are first envisioning remodeling your home, you probably were picturing fun projects rather than functional. While you should consider any safety improvements before you start on other remodels, you can still add a bathroom install new kitchen cabinets. Taking care of any safety concerns first will leave you with peace of mind and the right budget for further repairs.

Carrie has been writing articles for several years. In addition to covering home improvement and self improvement, she and her husband review products. You can see her other sites at []reviews electric shavers and []Norelco electric razors.

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